(16:14:37) Bart: I leave that up to Robin-mun. Then poke fun and send her scans of Robin macking on Jubilee
(16:15:36) Buffy: And this is why you can't complain when I lovingly mock you
(16:16:05) Bart: Yes I can. Do you have scans of Bart macking on cross universal characters?
(16:18:36) Buffy:
I do now!(16:19:32) Bart: ..........
(16:19:36) Buffy: <3?
(16:20:08) Bart: Nico sucks
(16:20:11) Buffy: Yes she does
(16:20:21) Buffy: But I was too lazy to change colors for the hair
(16:20:42) Bart: Oh but your effort shines through
(16:22:17) Buffy:
Better?(16:25:32) Bart: Except Karolina only likes girls
(16:25:45) Buffy: Hence the zomg
(16:25:50) Buffy: She's very confused
(16:25:56) Bart: Like Chizuru
(16:26:16) Buffy: She doesn't know why the boy with goggles is hitting on her
(16:26:50) Bart: I'd think of drawing something to retaliate back, but it wouldn't be the same wrongness
(16:27:15) Buffy: Does that mean I win?
(16:27:49) Bart: It means give me time that once I get back from spending time with my grandpa I will have something truly evil
(16:28:14) Buffy: When will that be?
(16:28:26) Bart: I leave at two, then come back around four
(16:28:42) Buffy: I won't be here when you get back, ha
(16:28:57) Bart: I'll post it on my journal!
(16:29:08) Buffy: Curses, foiled again
(16:30:22) Bart: Or I could do a ghetto attempt now
(16:30:40) Buffy: I'm not sure it could be more ghetto than my MS Paint fu
(16:31:42) Bart: I can try!
(16:31:51) Buffy: D:
(16:37:44) Bart:
There we go(16:37:56) Buffy: ...wtf
(16:38:18) Buffy: We probably shouldn't be allowed to live
(16:38:39) Bart: I was sad at how much Hasselhoff's jaw fit Boreanaz's...
(16:38:49) Buffy: Yeah, that's really kind of frightening
(16:39:10) Bart: :D
(16:39:39) Buffy: wry jaw
(16:40:13) Bart: It could be made into a seemless photoshop edit