Jun 15, 2009 16:06
Well, I got my 401k check today. Went to the bank, got a cashier's check, then headed for the OTHER bank to pay off my car loan.
According to the payments I had left (11), and the monthly payment amount (which I'm assuming included interest), I was supposed to owe just over $3100. According to them, after the $150 early payoff penalty charge, I owed $3800! Ummm...WHAT? Where did that other $500 or so come from!? The lady at the bank just kept shrugging and telling me "I don't know what else to tell you." She couldn't give me any reason why there was such a big difference - she didn't even try, really. So I told them I wasn't doing it and left.
It's going to amount to about the same. I'm going to take the money from the 401k and pay the car off. I'm just going to do it in the preset payments. Early payoff penalty charge? Random $500+ more? Kiss my ass. They're getting the payments and that's it.
It'll still take a load off my mind this way, so either way it's the same difference. I was just hoping to get it out of the way, and I'm pissed off that I did all this running around today for nothing.
It's not the penalty charge that concerns me. I'm not even remotely surprised that they wanted that, too. I'm just honestly wondering where that other $500 or so was from. I'm really confused about that.
So yeah - that didn't quite go according to plan. But the money's there, so I'm not sweating it.
And in other news...
The temp agency called me this morning. They have a potential job for me. It's at a local credit union as a "mortgage assistant." Basically it's assisting loan officers with paperwork, calling for info, etc. Sounded like pretty easy stuff. The temp place said that they wanted someone with mortgage experience (which I don't have), but would also take someone with a strong admin background (which I DO have). The job'll last a minimum of 3 months (which isn't bad - that's about the shortest time at a temp job I'd consider, because anything less would be a huge hassle with unemployment and whatnot), and has a chance to go temp to hire. It's also $11 an hour, and they imagine it'd move up to maybe $12 when/if they chose to hire me. Less than I was making, but not so bad (I expected worse, really). I told them I was definitely interested, so she sent in my information and now we're just waiting to hear back.
I really hope that, if nothing else, I can get in for 3 months. That'd help stretch out the unemployment a bit which would give me less to worry about for a little while (the unemployment would be due to run out right around the time the baby's born, otherwise).
I've really got my hopes up. Stupid, I know, but I can't help it. This is the first response I've gotten at all about a job, and it came more quickly than I thought anything would (my poor dad is STILL searching - he got laid off in January). I'm hoping that they (the temp place) don't have anybody with mortgage experience, and that I outshine a lot of their other potential employees (I was told by the person who tested me that I was WAY above the average scores of their usual clients, which is great).
I really need to have a decent shot at this. I really need to be working.
Hopefully I'll hear something really soon - hopefully it'll be them saying that I at least have an interview, if not that the credit union will give me a shot sight unseen (it's happened before).
Keep your fingers crossed for me, and send all the "get the job!" vibes my way that you have to spare. I'd appreciate it. :)
Also - my dad not having anything yet really worries me. His unemployment only has about 3 months left, give or take a week. After that, I don't know what they'll do. :( I'm scared for them.