Not-So-Weekly-Anymore Update

May 14, 2011 00:39

Hello all!

So sorry for disappearing like that, but I have returned to reassure you that I did not drop off the face of the earth. School ate me big time. But now school has ended for the summer! Your regular schedule of sleep-deprived Classic Who ramblings will return shortly with The Web of Fear and then The War Games.

Yes, The War Games. Neil Gaiman said in an interview that his episode will feature a character "not seen since The War Games," so I REALLY want to see that before I watch The Doctor's Wife. That might take a while longer.

But yes. Summer has begun and I will be able to return my attentions to Who once again.

EDIT: Scratch that, War Games isn't happening for a while still. Web of Fear, then The Time Warrior.

weekly update, proprietress post

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