So as you can probably imagine, a lot's been going on and I haven't been making time to deal with all of it. Some of it's going to take longer to get through, some of it just needs to wait for my workload to thin out, some of it I just need to get off my ass and make it happen.
Long story short, I'm probably going on hiatus again. This time I don't know when I'll be back next, as spring semester always seems to put me to the grindstone more than fall semester (around the time I was starting my commentaries last year, I think I even went a whole month between The Robots of Death and The Talons of Weng-Chiang).
When I do come back, I'm going to be taking a break from recons and dipping into the bottom of the barrel for Nightmare of Eden. Because I miss me some Four and Romana.
Also, my other beta for The Safe House seems even busier than me, so I might just go ahead and post the next chapter sometime this week if I still haven't heard back again.
With all this and Gally coming up (you have no idea how much I wish I could go), this is probably an appropriate video to post and don't panic, Petey made this video for LAST year's Gallifrey One.
Click to view