an update of sorts

May 23, 2007 03:20

I promied to become more active again on LJ, I haven't been keeping that promise.  Part of this is due to my completely uninspiring life.  My life pretty much consists of work, school and work.  The only day I really have free from class or either of my two jobs is Thursday and I have choir practice thursday evenings.  Plus this quarter (theoretically anyway) thursday is for writing my 1-2 page mini-papers for class.  Though this usually happens late thursday night/early friday morning.

School is going pretty well.  There aren't any tests for class, just these mini-papers and one larger paper due the monday of finals week.  Most of my mini-papers have been in the B range. For my large paper I'm doing an encomium (praise "speech" for those of you non-classics people) on Abe Lincoln.  I would read anything I could on him when I was younger so any research will mostly be brush up on details and such.  I figured I might as well put all that reading in my youth to good use.

While school is good, work is not so, at least at one of my jobs.  I've worked at Young's for 8 years now.  Originally I worked in the Dairy store scooping ice cream but about two years ago I moved into the gift shop. For those unfamiliar, the gift shop is in the same building as the Dairy store but is in a "room' just inside the main entrance, which is why I say "out there in the Dairy store".   I worked both until a little over a year ago.  I quit working the dairy store and now work the gift shop and at Jack's, a local pet shop chain.  I'm beginning to really hate working in the gift shop.  People tend to view us a sort of "information" booth.  Usually at least though it's about Young's stuff, which while a bit annoying I can at least understand.  Twice though in the past month-month and a half I've had people ask questions totally unrelated to Young's. 
One lady called and asked where she could buy an old hand crank ice cream maker.  We do make and sell ice cream so I guess I can almost understand.  I told her we didn't sell any anywhere on the farm and that I wouldn't know where to get one, maybe an amish shop.  At least she seemed understanding and thanked me for the suggestion.  Then a couple weeks ago this guy came in and asked where in the nearby village (hereafter Y.S.) he could get a license plate.  I only ever drive through Y.S. I don't know much about it.  My manager and I both said we didn't know.  He got all gruff and asked if anyone there (at Young's) lived in Y.S.  I told him I was sure some of the kids working in the Dairy store did but I couldn't tell him who.  He got all mad and left.  WTF!? I know I'll get dumb questions anywhere.  My being unhappy at work is from more than just stupid questions, but I can't really put my finger on it.  Most of the things I can name are stuped petty things; A lot of the "cool" people from out in the Dairy store are leaving.  Admittedly a lot of these are people who were out there when I still was.  Additionally the newer kids are around 10 years younger than me and seem to have no work ethic.  They don't clean (not that I have much room to talk as you'll see below), They prefer leaning on the counter over helping customers.  When I stopped to buy some half gallons I had three people walk by without so much as a nod in even seeing I was there.
   I do know that part of my problem is that, after being there so long, my pay is quite a bit more than minimum wage.  If I quit there is little chance I will find a job that will pay even close to what I make at Young's.  Even if I just ask to work more hours at Jack's (which I'm not sure I could, we don't seem to have many available hours) I don't get paid enough to pick up the slack in pay.  I'm more or less stuck.  Because of this, I'm starting to become a bit apathetic at work and I'm slacking a bit.  I'll check LJ, email, read a webcomic and check a forum I'm in.  If I get a customer I stop what I'm doing to help them.  I just haven't been doing much cleaning/straitening/stocking like I did even a year ago.

I also feel like Springfield has nothing to offer me.  With a few exceptions I don't have any friends here.  They're spread around the state with the largest concentration in the Columbus area.  I can't move until I graduate, which will probably be within days after I year.  Again, I'm stuck.   I hate this.

I'm taking a summer class which will have me driving to school four days a week.  A round trip takes just under a quarter tank of gas.  At around $3.50/gal, this is going to be expensive just to travel to school, forget the tuition.  If any of you have recently won the lottery, I'm taking donations :D

This was a bit longer than I expected.  Most of it has been going through my mind as something I should post, I just finally got to it.  Congrats and thanks if you made it all the way to the end.  I'd give you a cookie if I could.

school, young's, gift shop, life, work

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