Jan 14, 2007 18:53
**Please note, I didn't actually say any of this, I only thought it. What came out of my mouth was nice and sweet and perfectly masked any hostility**
::Spinning on OSU bar stool:: Whee!
"I swear kid, you start that hippo singing again, I will strangle you"
"Oh shit, here comes Ben...hide the book" (I was reading for class)
"So fucking slow..."
"So fucking bored..."
"PLEASE, don't make the hippo sing again"
"Fuck yes it's getting annoying, every kid and grandma has to start it singing"
"no kid, we don't have Michigan...welcome to OHIO"
"Please, stop the screaming child or get him out of here"
"Yipee! Time to start closing down!!"
"For the Love of God! Not the singing hippo"