Okay so I realized I am way way behind on a general update. First of all, congratulations to John and Katie Skidmore! I can't believe they've married a whole week and I'm just now mentioning their wedding. It was beautiful. Katie did an excellent job of planning a wedding on a georgeous wedding on a lower budget. When it's my turn I may have to ask her for hints on saving $$. They went to Vegas/the Grand Canyon for their honeymoon. Of all the things that could go wrong the only thing that happened was a few sets of lost keys, including my own. They were found, after a trip all the way back to Springfield to pick up the spares, in the trunk. I will be forever teased for that, I know. Oh, Katie was swearing up and down that she and John would get up Sunday morning for church. I told Judy, (John's mom) about it. We were going to bet a pan of brownies on it but we ended up both wanting to bet that they wouldn't. As Joe was driving me home to get the keys on Sunday I got a call from Katie. Judy and I both now owe them pans of brownies, b/c they did go to church, lol.
Grand Opening for Jack's is this weekend. Yesterday was crazy busy and the slowest day I've worked time perception wise. Still lovin' it though. We did have to fire one of the assistant managers for repeated tardiness. I had to work one of the mornings she showed up late. We were supposed to be in at 9 to start opening and she didn't get there til 9:30 so we couldn't get in. There is some stuff that is supposed to be done by our 10am opening time. I was ticked.
Joe got an appartment, yay! However he doesn't know when he'll be able to move in. He didn't have to work this weekend so he thought he'd go back to Pitt to get his stuff. He tried calling U-Haul to reserve a truck but everytime he called the phone was busy (probably had the phone off the hook, bastards). They told him they'd call by 5 pm yesterday if any of the U-Hauls in the area got a truck in. No call. I called him earlier this afternoon and he still didn't have a truck. He was pissed. He would have called Hertz or somebody but alas since his mom has moved out of the house in Duquesne, no phonebook, no computer, no internet. I guess they told him they'd have a truck by 5 today but there's no way he'd be able to get everything loaded and back before he'd have to be at work so I think he was going to call off for tonight. So U-Haul wasted his trip home and is costing him a night of work, the bastards.
I've been screwing up my sleep schedule lately. Joe got me hooked on an online comic called
Real Life. It's an awesome comic, I can relate or see my friends in the comic all the time. It started back in Nov of '99 so I've been spending the past few weeks catching up. I think I ended in April of '05 last night. I can't wait til I'm caught up so I can sleep normal hours again. I think I progressed through nearly 9 months of comics last night, course it meant I stayed up til like 4:30. So tired...
I've got Saturday off work (from both places) so I'm planning on heading to either C-ville or Canal Winchester to spend my b-day weekend with Joe. Our luck he'll have to work both Friday night and Saturday night :-(. I plan on taking the ingredients for the brownies I owe and baking them at John and Katie's house. There's nothing like the smell of freshly baked brownies. This is gonna be a lot of baking b/c I've already decided to take cupcakes in to work (Jack's) on friday, and sometime next week I want to try baking a cake from scratch rather than use a cake mix. I may also try putting fondant on my cake, I've never messed with fondant before so this will be interesting.
Oh, so excited. On thursday I'm going in to have my hair dyed back to red! I had it red last year but had to have it dyed back close to my original color so my hair wouldn't clash with the dress Katie picked out for bridesmaids. Yay! going back to being a redhead!!
That's all for now. I promise I'll try to update more often so they aren't marathon posts. Thanks and congrats if you made it this far ;-)