count up, down, back...all an approximation of numbers

May 19, 2004 19:03

2 days til my mom's birthday
5 days til the dies caluminia
7 days til campaigning starts
16 days til harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban
16 days til prom '04
20 days til the dies vera duo
20 days of school left which means that many days left of latin freshy, physics, and school lunches (both good and bad things)
61 days til clay
91 days til important birthday one
108 days til i turn 17
131 days til important birthday two

i can't think of anything else now because i am very very bored and going to get ice cream and a book. but i will think of more. i enjoy the dance and the drink. vote for me senior class prez, pretty please.

*disclaimer-my latin is shotty, it has been 6 years*
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