meme etc

Jul 06, 2011 09:57

So I just got back from my weekend beach get-away. It was really awesome -- I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I was there. I pretty much just swam and read and ate lots of good food. Ahhh it was the best. It's kind of depressing going back to work today, but just have to do it.

On that note, I finished Ubik by Phillip Dick and it was so good! I had no idea what to expect (for some unknown reason I was expecting something like the Iliad...) but it was kind of like a sci-fi 1984. It has a lot of twists and turns and was really a lot of fun to read. If you like interesting sci-fi novels, I'd recommend it. It's only like 200 pages and I seriously read it a day because I couldn't put it down. I also read The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler, which was also fabulous. It's a very sly and witty detective story. I feel like I've really lucked out on these first two books I randomly chose. If the rest of the list is this good, I will die of happiness.

Also I'm so behind on this meme, but oh well!

Comment with "give it to me baby" and:
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions (but only if you want to).

From dreamy2b 
1) What was your first fandom and how were you introduced to it?
Hmm my first fandom was probably Digimon (Yamato/Taichi for the win!). I honestly have no idea how I was introduced to it haha. I watched Pokemon a lot, and I probably just stumbled on Digimon by accident. It was when I first realized how much I love yaoi, and will always have a special place in my heart. Just talking about it makes me want to go watch it....

2) What is your favorite book and why?
I have a lot I really like, but Bel Canto by Ann Patchett is my favorite. I believe it's the kind of book that's better if you read it without knowing anything about it, so I won't go into too much detail. The writing is unbelievably gorgeous and the way she describes music is really beautiful and moving. It's one of the only books I've read multiple times.

3) Would you rather work for a company or be an entrepreneur?
Work for a company, which I feel lame for answering but it's probably true. I really like learning more than anything else, which oftentimes means working for people who are a lot smarter. I would way rather learn from older/wiser people than go off with my own idea. I actually can't really imagine doing something like that. But who knows? Things always change. Maybe I'll come up with some brilliant idea, start my own company, and make millions :P

4) Do you have a type of villain that you particularly favor across all your fandoms?
Probably the good looking ones.... Ahh I really like a lot of villains, especially the all out crazy ones. And the ones who have these unexpected good moments so awful at describing this. Here are some I liked anyways

5) How did you decide on your major in college?
I've always loved math and science, which is why I ended up deciding on engineering. I actually started in chemical engineering because I really love chemistry, but I absolutely hated it. It just wasn't what I was expecting at all. So freshman year I had this life crisis where I debated switching into chemistry (which would mean changing schools at my university) and my parents said they wouldn't pay if I wasn't in engineering. It was super stressful. On the recommendation of my advisor I took a course in Materials Science Engineering (which I'd never heard of before) and thankfully I loved it!

Now I'm going to go catch up on the 5 days of posts I missed, which is actually a surprising amount!
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