ClassicFREAK: Yes, blood juice and graveyard brownies and lady fingers (for the cannibal finatics) and we'll pick one serial killer a weekto discuss and debate and generally fan over abd we'll. Have a secretary who writes the minutes that we'd post to our website for fanatics around the world. In a few years we'll think if having a convention or a summit so that we could get together and discuss them on a wider scale.
Moeexyz: And at our conventions everybody would come dressed up as a murder victim so we'd all show up with like fake guts hanging out. And there'd always be that one guy who goes all out, and he'd show up wearing real skin and no one would talk to him because he is a weirdo, even for us serial killer fanatics.
I kind of feel like this part of the episode was for us, even though we aren't even a blip on their radar.