Nov 04, 2007 00:17
I'm going to circumvent the poll limitation on my free account with this very ghetto creation of my own. I have allowed anonymous comments for this, and they'll be screened, in case you're not comfortable with publicly displaying these things. You can post anonymously if you want.
1. How often do you find yourself in "bad moods" for at least an hour, sometimes more, for things or situations that do not seem to merit such intensely negative feelings? i.e., feeling sullen, angry, irritable, depressed, etc. over a perceived injustice that occurred long ago.
1 - I don't experience such moods enough to have noticed any kind of pattern.
2 - I only experience such moods every couple of weeks or so.
3 - I experience such moods at least once a week.
4 - I experience such moods once every other day or so.
5 - I experience these moods daily.
2. How do you feel about erotic desire and its potential to both satisfy and frustrate?
1 - I wouldn't trade my sex drive for anything.
2 - Erotic desire can be a pain, but it's entirely worth it.
3 - I experience distress about sexuality probably more than most people, but I enjoy it a lot too.
4 - I am very frequently frustrated regarding sexuality and enjoy it only during or shortly after sexual activity.
5 - Sexuality is a source of almost constant misery for me and would rather be rid of it.
3. How do you feel about your body?
1 - I love my body, as everyone should.
2 - My body has its blemishes like everyone else, but I'm mostly satisfied with it.
3 - I am uncomfortable with my body probably more than most people, but it doesn't usually interfere with intimacy or social interaction.
4 - My discomfort with my body is unusually severe and this discomfort would probably not be alleviated even if I fixed perceived blemishes, though I recognize these feelings as irrational and can occasionally overcome them to still function socially and experience sexual gratification.
5 - I strongly dislike my body to the point of receiving psychiatric treatment for my feelings, as my discomfort would otherwise be severe enough to make it impossible for me to function socially or sexually.
4. To what extent do you perceive fantasy operating in your life? Fantasy is here defined as deriving pleasure from imagined, ideal sexual scenarios, masturbation, imagining humiliating or seriously injuring an enemy, imagining scenarios of unparalleled success, wealth, intelligence, admiration, sexual attractiveness or prowess, "they'll be sorry when I'm dead!" scenarios", etc.
1 - I do not fantasize in such a way frequently enough to be able to answer such a question, i.e., such a question seems strange to me.
2 - I only fantasize in this way in cases of extreme boredom or after having had my ego severely wounded.
3 - I have such fantasies with relative frequency, though I definitely prefer and enjoy interpersonal, sensuous and material pleasure.
4 - I rely mostly on such fantasizing for my enjoyment and only occasionally enjoy interpersonal, sensuous and material pleasure.
5 - I rely almost entirely on such fantasy for my enjoyment, and find it abnormally difficult to enjoy the interpersonal, sensuous and material pleasures that other people enjoy.
5. How do you feel about life and the possibility of attaining satisfaction
1 - I love life and wouldn't change a thing.
2 - I experience depression and dissatisfaction less than most people and mostly enjoy life.
3 - I experience about the same pleasure and pain as most people and don't think about the question much.
4 - My outlook on life is unusually pessimistic and except for isolated moments of satisfaction, I feel like life is mostly pointless.
5 - I experience feelings of sadness and frustration almost constantly and feel like I will never be satisfied.