Name: Elijah
Age: 25 (26 in two weeks)
Location: Moscow, Russia
all about you
Three positive adjectives to describe yourself:
kind-hearted, romantic, sentimental
Three negative adjectives to describe yourself:
neurotic, obstinate, introvertic
faithful, non-hypocritical, unconcealed
too emotional, passive, dependent
Favorite Modern Band(s):
erm... Frank Black & The Catholics, Blur. Oh, such bands from Moscow as The Stone Shades, The Cavestompers & The Big Trouble - well, you`re not aquainted with them, but they`re absolutely bewitching
Any other favorites (books, movies, TV, etc):
I love reading - classics, poetry, existential philosophy books. I like fairy tales very much. Don't watch TV or video much.
Talents and/or Hobbies:
playing piano and percussion(badly)), singing (very badly), bizarre dancing, write poetry and essays, walking through the streets of my mind, being on the road, imitating Jack Kerouak, imitating Allen Ginsberg, imitating Arthir Lee, imitating Roy Wood, imitating Vivian Stanshall, dreaming of my eternal love
What song or quote can you best identify with?:
Quote: "What`s so funny `bout peace, love & understanding?" (Nick Lowe)
Songs: "This Old Heart of Mine" (The Isley Brothers, The Zombies), "Don`t Turn Your Back On Me" (Jackie De Shannon, Mike Sheridan & Nightriders), "Can`t Seem To Make You Mine" (The Seeds), "Oh! Wot A Dream" (Kevin Ayers), "God Only Knows" (The Beach Boys)
Do you care if you are voted as a band or solo artist?: