Nov 08, 2004 15:18
So I ended up getting a B on my History mid-term thanks to all my hard work borrowing notes and studying them for 2 hours before the test.
After a friday night of heavy drinking, i found myself feeling quite sick during call Saturday morning in the theatre and nearly puked 4, count 'em 4 times. ask brandon, he was there to get me a bucket i didn't use anways...and of course he was there to laugh at me. I'm sure i must've been making some pretty fucked up faces holding back from unleashing the contents of my stomach all over the floor.
Last night lead to the discovery of Beer Cheese Soup and how wrong things can go when about 20 different ingredients are added in hopes to make it "taste better"...nothing was saving that soup and i'm fairly certain raccoons wouldn't touch it if given the chance.
A weekend of too many new faces and names to go with them...
Question Of The Day:
-In your opinion, which is the greatest television game show of all time and which is the greatest game show host of all time? (Show and host do not necessarily need to match.)