Jun 13, 2005 23:35
So you're leaving real soon.
You hate your family, the one that has done nothing but socially cripple and decapitate you. You hate the idea of failure only because success is that ONE THING you could control that was outside of your parents ninja grip. You hate the idea of being judged for fear of correct judgment, even though no one really judges you because they [we] are so messed up that they have no room for it. You resent anyone you think is more "successful" in the "Christian" lifestyle than you, so you avoid, attack, accuse and alienate them, this including myself. You insult everyone only to point out their faults to make yourself feel better. You judge me more than I have EVER judged you.
Now, I write this because you already know this about yourself, you already know your faults and your thoughts- you know who you are but I, my friend- know who you can be. And Chances are you’ll end up making this into a big joke or make fun of me for this and I know you’ll do that to avoid what is really there but I don’t care-
You have so much potential, past the superficial monetary success but on a much deeper spiritual Godly level- You have gone through this life’s hell in SO MANY WAYS and you can emerge from that into what you already are, a perfected art work crafted by the hands of the Lord most high.
I pray that realization for you every night, I pray that your past is just that, past, done and over with. I pray that your dreams and wants are fulfilled but only by the hands of the Lord and not your own, because we both know that is beyond us. I pray that peace is placed with in the deepest and darkest bruised corners in your heart. I pray for an awaking of yourself and who you are and who you are not. I pray for a strength to push and fight through the haunting past, present and future.
I pray for a unfailing faith to be given to you. I pray for compassion and clarity to be imparted to you on your way to greatness. I pray for discernment and direction, grace and gentleness, and for love and liberty to go before, with and after you in every instance. May your life be an amazing witness to the greatness of the Lord, may you be blessed beyond our eyes can see and our minds can fathom. May the Lord be with you and you with Him…
you ARE great and you ARE His. You are a failure and you always will be, but let that truth be guarded and cushioned by the truth of a unfailing, unyielding, constant, persistent, uncompromising and RELENTLESS love. that is truth, that is Life, that is joy, and THAT is the point.
Please don’t ever forget me or our friendship-
I love you.
"Ne laissez pas votre passé
diriger votre futur et ne laissez pas vos craintes déterminer votre