May 15, 2009 23:53
People i've chilled with since being here:
Tree, chad, andrew, colton, john, sesha, katie, felicia, ricky...also, i saw eric's dumb ass and told him to fuck off, but somehow i still feel somewhat sorry for the kid- he is a huge addict and all, and his parents are complete fuckoids. I wouldn't recommend that anyone start taking opiates, but if you haven't already, then you probably have already assessed the risks involved lol. Chilling w/ sesh and everyone was super awesome. I had a blast anyway.
akmal, felipe, diego, grant....who else...idk i guess that really covers it in terms of people of importance. I would like to see my ex-orlando BFF's again since they decided to move to FSU. (points at colleen and andrew ciffone).
Things I need:
new needle for my record player
raccoo-oo-oon vinyl
woods- at rear house vinyl
mika miko- we be xuxa vinyl
clothes. Seriously, were is a good thrift store around here?
a job.
a new pair of vans classics.
100$ to pay off my debt to my ex-roomate axel
motivation to finish my novela
tape decks so that i can start mass producing rdfrnd records
Things that have amused me recently:
the commentary on the hotrod dvd. (i was sooo bored)
Steven Colberts speech @ the white house (how did they not realize he was a satirist?)
andrew giang
renting dvd's from publix for a dollar
the latest exceptor album "debt debt"
finding out how to download albums from rapidshare and mediafire
Things that have impacted my life greatly more recently:
moving the fuck out of that shitty house in orlando and on to the richest house i will ever EVER live in.
meeting Jason, a survivor of lukemia and a stemcell blood transplant. He reminded me that this life is short, so I better do WHAT I WANT TO, cause majoring in something i dont want to do is pointless if I die on graduation night.
The Unemployment rate. Its almost 10% here in florida.
Trying to analyze whether obama is +/-
reading about the prison system and possibly starting a sector of anarchist black cross in response. FUCK THE PRISON SYSTEM.
Getting involved in alot of illegal shit. IDK for some reason its addicting to break the law. Lets just hope i dont get to cocky.
Things that Im doing:
PLAYING SHOWS OUT OF MY CAR B4 actually schedualed events.
cutting my hair.
tattoo. I'm getting reptar from rugrats riding on an old fashioned a-symmetrical bike.
getting psyched to see black dice.
maybe going to pitchfork fest even though they are assholes (fests are always fun, sue me.)