Nov 05, 2005 17:54
Christian evangilists and politicans who put religion before politics can kiss my ass.
Abortion: It's still gonna happen if it's illegal, just more people will die from it. Nobody has a right to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their body. Pro-lifers need to see this and stop basing Pro-choicers and trying to shove their opinions down their throats. Keep abortion legal, make Plan B over the counter, and STFU.
Gay Marriage: People who think marriage is a sacred institution can eat dirt. It's not a sacred institution when the divorce rate is more than half these days. Gay people are people too. They deserve the same rights as straight people. It disgusts me how America is supposed to be "equal" when it really isn't. Give them their rights, and leave religion out of this. Being Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual is not a choice, it's something you're born with.
Government: Religion needs to be checked at the door. If our politicians could make decisions without religion interfering, then I think our government would be in better shape. If Roy Moore becomes governor, then I will intend to get out of the state when I go to college.
Seriously, how people cannot pull their heads out of their asses and not be all Jesus Freak about everything, is one of the key reasons why I became agnostic.