Aug 20, 2007 11:06
so, I'm home now
getting used to the serenity that is my mom's place is nice
I like calm and peace and opposed to sirens at all hours of the night and motorcycles blasting down the road at 2am
Still not used to sleeping later, but then I still don't know which shift I'll be working so maybe I'd better not get too used to it
I think I'm getting sick
Maybe it's allergies or something
I feel nauseous (sp?) all the time though...anytime I eat lately
I thought it was just nerves before I moved back here, but now what do I have to be nervous about? ecxept starting a totally new job where I'm sure I'll be the bottom of the totum pole again
I just really don't want to step on anyone's toes, but also don't want to be a complete wimp..cause I'd like to move up there eventually - after I've been there for quite a while
And I'm babling
So yeah, off to find something to eat
I'll let everyone know when I know what my schedule will be like so maybe we can hang out or something.
Oh - and only 15 days until 21