Supanova Update #2 + Official Pics

Apr 19, 2010 00:36

Well, Supanova is over. Had a hell of a time. Will put a nice long update, but for the moment nikki4noo  has been putting up some fun little things. What I will say at the moment is that Gareth David-Lloyd has an odd fixation with my walking stick. I offered it to him to beat off any crazy fangirls, then during the VIP cocktail party he took it off me, started pulling it apart, declared it a vibrator and called me a "dirty bitch". Then tonight during the Post-Nova party he took it off me again and was trying to knock me around with it. This was right before he spanked a couple of other fans who he'd gotten to know. Was all in good fun. nikki4noo, Stalker of Shadows and I all got a hand shake and a kiss from him. :)

James Masters told Stalker of Shadows he loves and wants her sunglasses.

Karl stole Nikki's phaser during photos, the result of which is below.

Met a lot of great people over the weekend, and will be keeping in touch with a few of them. Must say that VIP tickets are gold. :D

Now, the photos...

With the charming (and walking stick stealing) Gareth David-Lloyd

With James Masters in matching shirts and me staring off into space for some reason.

With the stoic Karl Urban and me failing at the Vulcan Hand signal

nikki4noo and I with Karl, and me again failing at the hand signal and Karl with the stolen phaser.

And here's our favourite. Love this one.

supanova 2010, pictures, star trek, torchwood

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