An Eventful Two Days

Apr 08, 2009 19:47

Happy Easter everyone!

Yes, I know it isn't quite there yet, but chances are that I may not get another update in before then, so I'll say it now. I hope everyone has something exciting planned, be it with friends or family, or even on your own. I'm off to visit the family myself. Pugs and I are going to do a round trip home on Sunday to visit our parents (mine first, then his) and drop in some Easter eggs and other little gifts (Stalker of Shadows is diabetic and allergic to chocolate so she's getting a present). It'll be good to see the family again.

Now, the eventful two days? Well, where to start. Firstly, I found out yesterday that one of my stories has been accepted to be published in a local Doctor Who magazine. The story is "Like the Wind", which is a Ianto/Owen action fic I wrote for the Torchwood Australia Weekly Writing Challenge last year. They've had to edit out the swearing as it is a PG-rated publication, but it is still going to be thrilling to see that story in print in a mag. I better get to work on some PG Torchwood stories. Suggestions anyone? I promise to post the stories here as well.

There was a few issues on the DWF again. I won't go into too much detail, but there are a couple of people on there that seem to have a dislike for Torchwood Australia. There are also a few other people that seem to like stirring up trouble in various threads and I've noticed a couple of other members trying to reason with them. I think it's time I did what James Moran suggested to me and stay away from that site until Season Three airs and they have new canon to discuss rather than rumours and speculation. The fandom is growing restless as we wait for an air date and has started to take to snapping at each other (you should see who_anon and now twanon).

Just found out that my sister is pregnant again (not Stalker of Shadows, the other sister). She lost the first one, and is now expecting another. Shall I point out again that she's 19, unmarried, and dating a man with a long criminal record and a history of abandoning his girlfriends after they have a baby? Oh, and he's been known to cheat on my sis with 14-year-olds? Yes, you'd be very right in thinking I don't like him.

Another thing that happened today is someone tried to use my debit card. Yeap, I'm now a victim of fraud, something I'd hoped would never happen. Luckily my bank called me to let me know about the odd transaction on their system and froze my card before any real money could be taken out. They only hit me for $1.50 before the bank caught it. My bank have a bloody good security system, I tell you. Anyway, I did check the statement and everything's fine. It would seem it was most likely a randomiser picking numbers to see if they work, or so the bank say. Problem is I have two pending orders, one for JB Hi-Fi, and one with Forbidden Planet. Hopefully my new card arrives before those orders come through and I can change the details.

Anyway, that's pretty much it for now. Half of my first week of holidays is now gone, and Pugs confirmed today that he has next week off so we're planning some day trips. The holidays should be good.

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