Okay, let's continue on with the analysis. It's been a while, but here's Part Four. There were a few scenes surprised me when i analysed them. For those who don't remember I'm looking at Gwen, Jack, Ianto and Rhys, and their relationships...
Analysing Torchwood Part Four
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Oh don't take my word for the Splott thing, one of the reasons that I thought it was that a popular radio breakfast show, Terry Wogan has endless jokes about Cardiff and Splott, due to one of the presenters being from there. Listeners send in lots of stories and quips. Yet I have never once heard reference to it being called Sploe, even as a joke, which you would think would be natural fodder for that show. However it may well have happened at one point locally, and gotten into the show. I have certainly never heard it when spending time in Cardiff, but that isn't everything!
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