Title: "Boom Shake the Room" - Will Smith
Vidder: Jedi Princess Clarrisani
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/warnings: Clips from all of season one Torchwood
Summary: Who said Torchwood was boring...
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Comments 3
Anyway, this vid was a bitch to edit. Never doing a rapid transition/edit vid again. Especially one that requires exact timing. *has headache* As for the song... was in the middle of a sentence teaching my Literature students a hard part of interperating King Lear, when it just popped in there - 'Use "Boom Shake the Room" for a Torchwood vid'. Had me thinking 'okay, that was random' and I kept on teaching without missing a beat. The beauty of multi-tasking.
And if I got to work with Jack, I want to be an alien hunter too!
And wow, that really is multitasking at its best. How the hell does one get from Shakespeare to 'Boom shake the room', heh :P? And I think you did a really good job editing, especially since it's so fast-paced ;).
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