What Obama did wrong:
- Failed to close Guantanamo Bay
- Failed to investigate Wall Street fraud and looked the other way on tax cheats
- Sent more troops to the Middle East
- Drone Strikes
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- National Defence Authorisation Act
- Was weak when dealing with the Republicans. Spent most of his time pandering to them
- Refused to investigates war crimes conducted during Bush terms
- Continued indefinite detentions of alleged terrorists
- $60 billion sale of arms to the Saudi Arabian dictatorship,
- Sold arms to abusive Bahrain regime and used legal loophole to avoid telling Congress about it
- Claims ACTA could be ratified without Congressional approval and that it would override US law
- Authorised the assassination of US citizens abroad without judicial process, and has done so
- Continued and expanded warrentless wire-tapping and spying on US citizens.
- Continued the ineffective war on drugs
- Signed Trespass Bill, making it a federal offence to be “disruptive” at political events
- Has one of the highest records for deportation in US presidential history
- Overrides state laws in regards to drugs, including those for medical marijuana
- Claimed the government can never be sued for surveillance that violates federal law
- Frequently tried to withhold information from the public (and sometime succeeded), and frequently violated the Freedom of Information Act
- Appointed 5 RIAA lawyers to the Justice department
- Appointed serial tax dodger Timothy Geithner to be his Treasury Secretary
- Appointed Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson as chief of staff to treasury secretary Geithner
- Appointed Monsanto executive Michael Taylor to the FDA
- Appointed H&R Block CEO Mark Ernst to the IRS, where he wrote tax regulation to require licensed tax preparers. Congress never gave the IRS authority to do that.
- Appointed telecom lobbyist Eric Holder to attorney general
- Appointed defence lobbyist William Lynn to deputy defense secretary
- Told the Air Force it was illegal for their families to read Wikileaks
- Continued deficit increasing Bush tax cuts.
- Seized and suspended websites without due process
- Gave permits to BP and other oil companies, exempting them from environmental protection laws
- Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton
- Supported the Patriot Act
- Held off the record” meetings with lobbyists
I'm sure there's more, but that's a start