Yesterday I was shocked and appalled when word came out that there had been yet ANOTHER mass murder in America. And, in all places, a movie theatre where children were attending. I watched the video online shot by a bystander who thought he was filming people fleeing a bad movie only to realise there had been a shooting, and the reactions of the
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The amazing thing about the Australian gun control/regulations is that it was actually our conservative government that introduce it. It was done in response to a massacre, and rather than say "now isn't the time" both sides of the government sat down and worked out what needed to be done.
Of course, there was an outcry at the time from the gun groups, but they eventually recognised that the guns weren't being taken away more than regulated. They can still go to a shooting range, own hunting guns, etc. We are also lucky that the police don't demand to see weapons here, and will only search a vehicle if a law is broken or something is in full view.
When the gun laws were introduced, the government had a "buy back" scheme where gun owners with the now prohibited weapons could sell their guns to the government, where the guns were then destroyed. Alternatively, if you had a weapon that now required a special license, they introduced easy ways for existing gun owners to get them (provided they met the criteria).
So in Australia now, if you live on a farm you can still own a weapon provided you have a license. Same for hobby shooters, and gun collectors (although the latter requires a special license).
Honestly, I think the gun laws in Australia were the last thing that a) was done correctly, and b) introduced correctly nationwide. And amazingly, by our conservative government who botched up a lot of other things. Mind you, our liberal government isn't doing much better...
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