Jun 18, 2006 14:12
is it wierd how i had another band dream last night?... however this time mr. hickey wasnt wearing ultra-fem clothes adn being sketch.
so basically the band was in this big stadium in all th seats and it was time for drum major try outs. So we had them and he decied on the 3 the 3 DMs we will actually have for next year (greg, kate and jake i think his name is). Anyways so they are all like yey! i got DM! so then we come in the next day and one kid goes up to mr. hickey and is like 'ummm... i wasnt here yesterday to audition for DM so could you still give me a chance to try out now' (i think that was chubbs). Anyways so hick dawg is like ok fine so all the DMs have to just quickly go again. And then mr hicky announces that the new DMs are 2 frohies and the jake kid. Greg was furious and kate somehow turned unto Cecilia and was also pretty pissed b/c they were both DMs before and were told they were this years DMs but then mr. hicky replaced em with froshies (idk if the froshies even tried out). Yea and there was this huge trauma. and im not too sure how it ended b/c my watch had an alam go off at 7 for some reason or another.
hmm i should start chem.