Apr 24, 2007 23:22
Why does listening to Simon & Garfunkel always make me so nostalgic? Certain types of older folksy-type music have the same effect, though it has to be a very specific sound and feeling. I can't really explain it. Sounds like dusty old records smell, and things that have been in the basement.
It's strange, though, because I don't even know what I get nostalgic for anymore. While parts of me long for different bits of my childhood, adolescence, etc., the places, the smells, just how the air felt, the other parts know that these thing are so far gone; so completely non-existant any more that the nostalgic part of me has nothing to miss; nothing to grasp at, just little wisps of memory. It's just this strange dull aimless ache.
Maybe it's because right now my life is so far from where I ever thought it would be; a million miles away. Not just geographically; everything. It makes you wonder if everything you ever thought or planned or believed before was worth anything at all. It's strange to think that myself at 12 years old would not recognize myself now. But this is how the world works; we're all just bouncing along, landing where we may.