Mar 22, 2005 12:58
Well, I'll keep the first entry simple. I'll put up pics and stuff later.
Yes, well, even Clark Westfield has awkward, but loving, first entries once in a while. (clears throat.. erhehm)
Today hasn't even started for me, so I will submit a better post later tonight. I could amuse you with my past, or maybe conjure up specific feelings right now, but there will be plenty of time for that later.
To hold you over until then;
I have a bunch of riddles for you. Answer these questions!!!
Here is an easy one to start you off. How far can a dog run into the woods?
These are a little more stupid / tricky, unless you have seen them before. If you haven't, just think about the context of the question. Read it a few times thinking about each word and why it was used.
Why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg?
How do you get down off an elephant?
What is it that you put on the table, cut it, pass it around, but don't eat?
On which side does a chicken have the most feathers?
What is is that you will break when you call it by name?
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Start thinking like a jackass... I love these things!
I'll post the answers later.
Well, now that is it is 4:30, I have to start my day.