Apr 17, 2004 04:54
SO i haven't posted on lj in like 2 years but i don't have the internet so stop complaining, jk but tonight i went to slings of fortune and they played dcm how happy was i? anyway and i got to hang with the coolest kids around.... katie, whit, becky, christie, beau, and i finally met liz i didn't talk to her but i've seen her with kt like 8 times and never been introduced thanks kt! then at the house we had hella fun and got to hear phil's new cd its frikken off the hizzle! so i missed most of the oc this week and that sucked me and jeff were hella sad but I'm so happy cause kari made a note for haley and drew phil and i on it, and i looked hott, jk but it made me feel loved and i can't wait til next week, but i just now remembered that i'll be at the graceland at phil's show so now i'm torn, ne way i'm getting a computer for my b-day so i'll be all emo up in this peice again soon, i love you all have good days