
Jun 30, 2009 17:54

Active Verses;

This is a mostly canon version of Clark that I play over at my Smallville spinoff RPG JLA Legacy. Of course, he's been translated into the Smallville universe so he has a few minor personality and power adjustments. I do hope to make Clark less naive than he is in the show though, but not by much...he just wouldn't be SV Clark if he suddenly started getting too much of a clue. I do also intend to get him to finally learn how to fly, since it's been years now and Kara didn't even need to learn, she could just do it naturally! He has just started working at The Daily Planet with Lois, and is soon to be publically known as "The Red/Blue Blur". You can read his complete bio here. No crossovers.

Possible Verses;

I am more than willing to slash Clark with other male DC characters that he may know (especially Oliver), especially those he may know from the JLA, but within reason; I don't want to slash with any minors (players and characters alike, actually). In fact while there might be a few exceptions, Clark will be best slashed with characters closer to his age (I play him at around the age of 22 or thereabouts). I'm game for slashing Clark as either his Smallville self or alternatively his JLA Legacy self (see above), and I am open to most situations/circumstances so long as they are interesting and not boring. Some crossovers may be considered.


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