mini book reviews

Mar 21, 2006 18:47

Dead as a Doornail - Charlaine Harris
I normally like her Sookie Stackhouse books, but this one just felt like filler. There was no real plot, more like two or three subplots stuck together. And then there was the strengthening of Sookie's religious side, which is not at all to my taste. To top it all off, Harris writes in Lily Bard and her husband, who don't fit into the Southern Vampire world at all; it felt cheap. Meh.

Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
Love Dexter. Jeff Lindsay should be checked out by a mental health professional for doing psychopathy so well. This seemed shorter than the first novel, and the plot was less interesting. It also seemed out of character for Dexter's sister, Deborah. But since Dexter is the narrator and is admittedly out of touch with humanity, I can't say for sure what Deborah's character really is. And while I saw the twist with Dexter's "girlfriend's" kids coming, it was still creepy and well executed. That development alone leaves me interested in another installment, even if the main plot doesn't get better than this one.

Once - James Herbert
OMG, so bad. I put it down after the first fifteen pages. Herbert is sooo in love with this character. I took the books back to my parents' house to return to the library, and expressed my horror and disappointment by opening to a random page (of the first fifteen) and reading aloud. I was requested to cease and desist.

Thief of Lives - Barb and JC Hendee
Once again, good subplot, with both main characters learning a little about themselves and also having their curiosity piqued to learn more. But the main plot seemed to be little more than a rehash of the first. And I'm not really left with much interest in the next installment, other than for the personal revelations. But, hey, that's what the library is for.

Every Which Way But Dead - Kim Harrison
I liked it fine. But once again, there didn't seem to be a main plot. Hmm. I'm sensing a trend, and normally I would think it was just me, except that I think most of these books are a bridge into the next, like the author was so interested in where he/she was going, he/she didn't really worry about how to get there. Anyway, it was almost a relief to have the pixie Jenks gone for most of the book, David the Were seems like he could become interesting, Kisten the vampire is becoming more awesome every chapter, and I'm seriously tired of Ivy and her issues. Oh, and Trent also becomes more awesome. I'm totally waiting for him to admit he wants Rachel. It'll never work, but it would be fun to watch the fireworks.

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