Nov 18, 2005 17:53
AUSTRALIA Rugby Union boss Gary Flowers believes the 2011 World Cup verdict has blown an important chance to grow the game globally, Flowers has congratulated bid winner New Zealand but feels the decision to overlook Japan represents a chance wasted.
There has always been something about the IRB that ticked me off. And well, I think I've discovered what it is. They are such old farts who can't see beyond themselves in order to enhance the game. Everything they seem to do is in ordnance with keeping the strong nations strong and never to enhance the second and third tier nations. Isn't is about time that we look beyond the big 8 or so rugby nations and start trying to develop the game in other countries who are keen to play. What is the point in hosting the cup in New Zealand. They're certainly not going to win anymore New Zealand fans, you'd be hard pushed to find a Kiwi who doesn't support the game. I really wonder what the thoughts of the voters was when the wrote New Zealand on their ballot paper.