more of the same

Oct 03, 2006 13:19

I thought I'd put a whiny post up here for a change instead of forcing all the people on my MySpace friend's list to suffer through it
I feel shitty.
I had to stop taking my Lamictal yesterday because I'm developing a rash (non-communicable) that COULD be fatal if I dont stop the meds and if it still manages to keep going which happens in some cases. Needless to say, I have been overly preoccupied with this one the past two days
My sleeping is screwy, and I've been nauseous since last evening sometime from, what I think might have been some almost-moldy cheese that I had for lunch for my Turkey Sandwich....upon further inspection today I have plaguing doubts as to whether my off tasting turkey is a culprit as well...but I guess if I get even sicker after digesting today's lunch I'll know
The sleeping thing is what it always is...I'm always going to have weird sleeping patches and these last two weeks have been good examples...I kind of have a headache from that so it's hard to concentrate on the screen because all the brightness kind of makes my head ache a bit more than it already it.
My calf severely spasmed on Sunday, I think, but anyway, it's still tight and painful to move most of the time especially if I let it sit for a while...I need to do some yoga and stretch it out a bit but I'm slightly worried that it will either A) make it spasm more often, since it's been a while since it's done that (only the consequences weren't so bad and drawn out for so long the previous times) or B) I'll end up ripping it or something which is kind of what I'm afraid will happen anyway if these spasms keep up...I'm not going into detail here but they come on, usually right after I wake up, very sporadically and without much cause but they probably feel more damaging than they actually are or I probably would have had more serious effects by now than not...anyway...not that if something happened to me I play any kind of a sport or do anything physical that would require the extensive use of my calf muscle so I'm sure that undue caution is probably not needed, but I can't help wanting to not end up in a leg wrap with crutched for a few weeks just because I had to be all cowboy about it and tore it up or something
Anyway, I can't see me even ripping the muscle, if that's indeed what will happen, for quite a while because the last thing I want right now is physical exertion...the first is to crawl under a pile of blankets and go to sleep, but throwing up if my bad turkey theory comes to fruition (or if this bad cheese thing gets any worse) is probably high on the list
and I know you all just wanted to know that, right?
I've got less than three and a half hours to go before I can do any of the above even, and surprisingly I've got a bit of work to do so I should just go do it and hope that it makes the afternoon go by quicker than it would normally
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