Keeping the moon by Sarah Dessen

Feb 27, 2012 12:45

The reason I chose this book is I knew it's for children and teenagers. So I decided it's very simple and it doesn't contain a lot of "clever" words I don't know.
Cause, you know, I've tried to read Virginia Woolf's books and I was just staring at the page for a long time and then looking for a whole bunch of words in my dictionary. I couldn't focus on the content, I was hardly able to understand the main gist.
So I was sure this book is just usual love story about a girl, who has beautiful soul, but not very attractive look, and a boy, who can see through her unlovely appearance. Well, I was obviously mistaken.
The book is turned out to be about a self-confidence, about improving oneself, about strength of mind. I believe this novel is very inspirational and encouraging. And there's not much about love, there's more about sincere attachment and friendship. 
Of course I think that many girls and women will be able to find something familiar in main character's feelings, cause "nobody's perfect". But as far as I know there aren't a lot of people, who can resist their own fears and inferiority complex.
If you read this book you'll probably find there something important to think of. At least I really hope you will.

иногда находит, addicted to books

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