(no subject)

Feb 06, 2012 10:41

Obviously I'm not a teenage girl dreaming about Prince Charming all days and all nights long. I'm trying to be realistic. I mean I want to have sober expectation about my life. So I'm going to change a lot in my life during this year. I'm speaking about things that depends on me, of course. But I still can't help to believe in true love and other stupid things. I seriously suspect there's a love at first sight. Maybe it's not in the way romantic comedies usually show, but it's like a sudden chemistry between two people, that can became a serious relationship. 
And there's one more thing. Sometimes I daydream about get up next morning and figure out that last ten years have never happened. I just want to have an opportunity to change my life. I mean I do have this opportunity right now and I'll have been having it until I die, but it seems like I've already wasted a lot of time. 

about me, бывает, черт возьми!

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