I gave myself until today to make a decision as to joining SacFit or not...well, I have made my decision with the help of my wonderful, sick, feverish fiance...I have decided that I am going to do it. I know that it will be beneficial to me to have a group of people doing the same routine (for the most part) that I am. That will keep me motivated for sure! I cannot believe my new goal is not only to lose 18lbs, but to complete a half-marathon in May! Crazy! Me 2 years ago would have laughed at you and said you were crazy if you told me I would be joining a running club! Many thanks to Sabrina for her words of encouragement! Also for showing me some great blogs by some very inspiring people from around the world! TheWWChick has changed my life! After reading her blog and printing her activity and inspiration calendars I am so inspired and I even joined a facebook-like site that tracks running mileage and time! I will certainly be using it a lot soon! Check it out here at
www.dailymile.com/people/JessicaH2! As long as Matt is feeling better tomorrow, or after an urgent care visit, I am going to go for a jaunt around the park to add to my site! I didn't do as well as I wanted today starting with my points counting, but I managed to stay within 1 or 2 of my daily allowance, which is pretty good for day 1! Here is to a new me in 2010! Or at least an improved me! :D