Ride and Glide!

Dec 30, 2009 17:00

I just got home from an hour-long group session with my favorite trainer! It was me and 2 other girls. The class was called "Ride and Glide" and involved using the stationary bike and then the glider machine thingy that I am sure has a technical name. It was a pretty hard class, but fun! I got my butt kicked, but in a good way. :D It feels so good to finish an hour-long workout, especially knowing that even a year ago I probably would have struggled through and quit halfway. I am not in too much better shape than a year ago, but enough to make a difference I suppose.

I am still juggling around the idea of joining SacFit, which is the running/walking club that Sabrina is part of. I know what is holding me back is fear. I hate failing at something and I also hate when other people do something better than me. I am a truly competitive person. Of course, this is all the more reason why I should join because having other people around to push me towards my goals will certainly make them easier to obtain. Also, as I mentioned before, money is holding me back too. I am no longer in the "poor house", but I am still not "rich" and I am trying to save money for a wedding and pay off debt, so any extra money to me needs to go to those things, not joining a running club and buying running related things. I am so thinking way too much about this. I talked to Matt and he says I should do it. I am also afraid (back to the fear factor) that I won't like it and will have paid all that money for nothing. Argh. I just need to make a decision already! I promised myself I would make one by January 1st...so in 2 days I will post my decision.

That's all my ranting and raving for today. I am cooking dinner in the crockpot, and it smells delicious! I hope it tastes as good as it smells! It is actually a Weight Watchers recipe, but I didn't know it until I was at the store buying the ingredients. It is only 5 points per serving, which is awesome! I will post later with a review and possibly a recipe if I deem it worthy to make again!
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