Dec 19, 2009 10:02
So my LJ front page says I last updated 5 weeks ago...LAME! Not too much has been going on in my life, but a few noteworthy things have happened I suppose. I came to the realization after Sabrina (Matt's mom) met goal in WW that I am an extreme lame-o and that if she can lose 98 pounds, then by God I can lose 17! I decided to get back into watching what I eat and counting my daily intake. So far it has been going OK, but not great. This time of year sucks for weight loss, lemme tell ya! I have also had a horrible cold for the past week, which meant no gym time at all because I was coughing like a crazy person and didn't want to infect anyone else. I will admit, however, that even before the cold I had not been very good about getting to the gym. Now that Matt and I have moved to midtown/east sac, the gym is farther away and way less convenient to get to. I need to have a gym bag packed and a plan to go on certain days of the week, but I have not brought myself to do that just yet. It is in the plans, just hasn't quite happened yet. I do have a group session scheduled for 3pm Monday, which is probably the next time I will be there. This weekend has been hectic! Sadly, I am running out of group session credits, and unless they have a good deal like they did when I bough the other ones, I more than likely can't afford more. :C
In other news..Matt graduated from Sac State yesterday! I am so proud of him! He is officially done with his undergrad! He will start the credentials next Fall due to Sac State being stupid as usual. They made the deadline for the credential application way early because of budget cuts and it was all bad. But luckily he has a job and can work full time and concentrate on paying off his credit cards and getting ready for our wedding of course ;D We went to BJ's for dinner afterwards and it was delicious! That's part of the reason this week is killer for weight loss. BJ's last night, Crush 21 for JJ's graduation tonight and then Cheesecake Factory on Sunday night for Matt's family's birthday dinner for him, his mom and grandfather. I try to make good choices, but it can be tough.
When I weighed in yesterday I had stayed the same as I was the week before, which is a miracle between all of the cookies, treats and the Christmas banquet potluck at my work. I know what I NEED to do, but what I WANT to eat sometimes outweighs that. If I can just control my wants then I know I can lose the weight. Unfortunately I am a very food-centric person, so I usually let the wants take over. Like Matt keeps telling me, I lost weight before when I followed the points system to a "T". All I have to do is do what I did before and I will be successful. I looked back at my old WW excel and my start weight was 182lbs. So sad that I am almost back there...but then I remembered that I was 188lbs before I started the gym, so I have really lost around 10lbs and managed to keep it off, which is impressive considering my lack of self-control.
Enough diet talk...I will keep my LJ updated better these next few months and hopefully be able to write about some actual progress versus just my thinking about progress. I will also try to update with gym visits to keep myself honest. That is all for now I suppose. I think I am going to get bundled up and go for a walk in the park. I need some exercise before all of the food I am going to consume this weekend!
Oh more thing...6 months until my wedding!!!!!!!!! :D