Well, so far this year, I have been moderately productive. I've been to Target, folded laundry, made strides in cleaning my room aaaaand showered. I know, I know: How do I find the time?
I've also had my first alcoholic beverage(s), gotten my ass handed to me by a co-worker's six-year-old son at Wii Tennis, eaten Chinese food and been to Starbucks, but none of those things count because Jesus wasn't looking. So there!
Anyway, the real reason that I'm blogging (Though I'm not sure I'd call this legitimate "blogging." It's more like web journaling. "Bournaling?" Whatever. You get the idea.) is simply because I a. want to brag about being able to see the floor in the corner of the room, b. I haven't been on here in a while, c. I won't have time to do so in another few weeks when school starts again, and d. I want to share with you, dear Internet, a list of my nicknames, not only because they are amusing to me and I want to share, but also because I need to write them all down and organize them. So, uh...here you go:
Kathleen Margaret Cole's List of Nicknames (Organized by Nickname Origin):
- Possum Baby (often shortened to "Possum" and/or exclaimed, "Possum-Possum-Possum!" at the end of emails sent to my work email address.)
- Katie Frog Legs (usually used in public, in front of boys, or in similar social situations)
- Keki (my name in Hawaiian as written on my mug from the ABC Store in Waikiki)
- Gay (My brother loves me...no, really.)
- Katie Maggie
- The Maggster (based upon the above)
- Scarlett (what I would've been named if my father didn't get his way)
Work People (Mostly Work Boys):
- Junior XO
- Boots
- Short Answer
- Freebreeze (like Febreze...but different)
- Munchkin
- Kathleen (like my first name, but spat out more than spoken and filled with more disgust)
- Mouse
I may have missed some, but screw it. I'm tired and I have to work in the morning.