When my dad lived in the Prentiss Point apartments, there was always this giant banner across the balconies that said, "If you lived here, you'd be home by now." And I know that's a blatant marketing ploy, but it always made me feel welcome. Like Prentiss Point was opening its giant arms for a big ol' hug with a warm smile saying, "Hey there, Katie! Welcome to our home!" Actually, I'm notoriously gullible and easily manipulated when it comes to marketing ploys, but that's beyond my point.
I've become pretty obsessed lately with researching apartments. And now comes the time when I get the lectures from mothers and aunts and surrogate families about finishing school and responsibility and abandoning my family. And hey, I respect that. But sometimes I need to make my own decisions and mistakes. I mean, I moved in with Kaitlyn! Can I make a mistake quite as catastrophic ever again? Maybe, but it would probably have to be something like sending my infant son to live with Dina Lohan or investing my life savings into the
canned spray pancake industry.
I start working full-time again tomorrow and within two weeks I should be starting full-time at TACOM with a 25% increase in pay. I'll be saving for a down payment on my car and when I finally make that happen, I'm going to start apartment shopping. I'll save three months' worth of rent before deciding on anything and I'll make absolutely sure I have a cushion in case things get rough.
I know they'll be naysayers. I'm sure there already are. But I need to do this. This is what I've always wanted. And I could save Molly. She'd really be a different dog if she were somewhere that she could be an only dog. And she'd get the love and attention she needs.
This could be bad. This could be a mistake. But I'm old enough to make them on my own now.
This could all blow up in my face. But I need a little independence. If only just a taste.