Oct 01, 2006 02:04
Ahh...sin..what a wonder vice. The pleasure that comes from it can match no other physical or mental activity. Something that lasts for just one second, but feels so great. The forbidden promise that lays beneath it....you do not realize what you have done until it's too late. It seems so easy and great, it feels like you should do it everyday, yet...you only feel comfortable when your alone. Then you do it. Excitement may be what we gain from it, but there are physical and mental troubles for the human body.
The lust of gluttonous physical pleasures. A great corruption in us all. It seems to be a physical problem at first, it's all natures fault. They time after time you realize you can stop it, just like every other base moral we all commit. It seems so hard, yet it should be so easy, doing the right thing for your body and soul. Your mind just doesn't want to stop. Being so easy to commit to a wicked string of acts....it is hard to let go.
Gluttony, the lustful acts to gain physical pleasure. I have always believe the demerits known as Gluttony and Lust could be used interchangeably. They mean the same thing, but why are they both listed as the seven deadly sins? Just so they could make the number 7? I doubt it. I think it's a shame that the human race is so immoral that we have to have 2 sins named after our insatiable appetite for physical or mental gain. We always want a 'high' off of something, be it sex, drugs, alcohol, music, video games, or whatever...we always want a quick emotional high. Can humans really be that ignorant and not be able to see the pleasure of non-sinful acts? Now that I think about it, I really can't think of any good pleasure I can get from a non-sinful act. Practicing music, just another flow to pride and obvious gluttonous actives I most attribute my pleasures to. Can you name one act in life that isn’t sinful? I dare you.
The pride that drives one to greatness at a very high cost. Everyone wants to be at the top, be the best, succeed as number one...for some it just seems that most impossible. We try to attach every seemingly 'good' quality of ourselves and make it seem great. We tell a white lie, edge the truth a bit, just for a moment of happiness. Even without a lie, we still try to make ourselves better than another by doing an act that may out-perform them. Thinking to ourselves, these people really must feel that I am special now, is so great, we don't really care if it's true.
Greed, our basic desire for all sin. We are greedy, we want sin, we want more than we can handle, we want everything we can get our hands on. I attribute this sin as being the worst. Knowing how bad the sin is, and wanting to commit more of your life to it. The abomination of greed makes me think of taking all possible sins and stuffing them into one easy to swallow pill.
The act of anger. A common starting place for most vices in this world. Someone makes you angry, become wrathful…then you become lustful in trying to destroy them, then you take pride in knowing that you are better than them, then increase your ‘winnings’ ten-fold by throwing a bit of greed into there, and making the original anger pretty much useless. Once the chain of sin starts going by the lit flame of wrath, then it whole chain is pretty much a fire flail that will destroy anything in it’s path.
I'll probably write more. On each of the topics mentioned, and others. The 7 deadly sins are great, but I think I'll go into a bit more detail about other things too..
Oh well....