Aug 15, 2006 19:46

I found my fanfic (sorta) that I wrote my freshman year. It really isn't a story, more like a whole bunch of people talking after each other...but still, it's amazing what you find when your cleaning (your computer). I think anime has corrupted my C I must irraticate everything...minus anime.

Now that I think about it, I had more to this fic....not much better, but if I find it...I'll put it up

Pegasus: Welcome to Whose going to be zapped into a playing card by some creepy ancient magic anyways show!


Pegasus: ^^ WEll anyways if you  havent seen this show before, and if you must have been locked up in some ancient artifact for the past 5,000 years *Yami Yugi jumps out of the audience, wityh knife in hand, aiming at the pegasus though, consiquently, there was a newly moven 'giant' spider web above pegasus*

Yugi: NOOOO!!!...if you fall you might hurt pegasus

*Everything stops and Daniell comes in looking like some gothic/evil/devil person*

Daniell:WTF 1s wr0/\/g h3r3??? 3v3ry 7h1ng h3r3 i5 5cr3w3d up!
Translation for non 1337 people: What the heck is wrong here? Everything here is screwed up!

*Daniell turns back too normal*

Daniell: HI ^^!! Well first off Yugi CANT BE GAY! Umm...well at least not with pegasus ^^;;

Vince: Whatever you want majesty *bows*

[Daniell Exits] [Vincent...does nothing] (shackspere parody ^^)

Vince: WTF d0 j00 think j00r doing? ACTION ACTION!!!!

*Christine Starts reciting Romeo n' Juliet...rap style*

ALL: -_-;; STFU!

*Christine plays with vincent (valintine) dolls*

Pegasus: Well anyways *He says staring at his impending doom* If you havent seen the show...these 4....things will make up these totally random prereahersed(???) crap.

Audience: -_-;; *falls over*

Pegasus: WEll whover does the best act or gives me the best time gets some points that dont really matter ^^;; and whoever wins with their imaginary points gets to do sopmethin special with me..

Ryou: w00t w00t!

Pegasus:...*Evil eyes* Whoever looses has to watch and clean up our mess ^^ Well enough with the small talk (2 pages about worthless things) and get on with the good stuff! *gets on his desk and does some black dance thing and Mr.T jumps and shoots at pegasus* YOU FOO!

Pegasus: If I were a girly man i would have screamed like a girl, but since i'm a pure pansy i'd soil my pants!

Ryou: An' cause your gay! Thats somethin to be proud of!!

*Ryou starts a rant with fellow....'Bi's'*

Everyone else: *vampire faces*

Ryou: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!  *runs out screaming like a little girl...and soiling his pants*

Well, this all made sense. When I wrote it... OMG!!!! I almost got a 'AA' on heavy doubles!!!!! Go meh!!! w00t!
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