It's a day late, but whatever. XD I just thought I'd up this since we need to share the love. ;D I actually just remembered about good ol' Sougo's birthday when I was going around sites... it's a frenzy because of his bday, lol. Japanese otakus love their characters very much that they
really do buy cakes for them. And eat them all up alone. XD
I changed my layout from the boring Generator at last. Since I finally learned that you could host css files on geocities, I snagged a code from
reversescollide and whipped up a header of Sougo... in celebration of his bday (no, not really). I don't know why I wrote 'The Last Samurai' up there. o_O
Anywho, summer vacation orchestra practices started just today. We're playing Tequilla as an encore, but I get so mixed up with the rhythm that I got laughed at practice when the flute and oboe parts were ordered to play. x_X Clarinets are not meant to play oboe parts (someone's buckpassing here)! I like orchestra practices though, except our music teacher's lectures before practices are too long. :O
Oh yes, I've decided to jog everyday for about 20~30 minutes. I wonder how long it'll last. I'm already beginning to dread it after bumping into a senior from orchestra, when I was all sweaty and panting and wearing extremely lame clothes. I don't know if she noticed me, but still, I do NOT want to meet her anymore. x_x Go me~