(no subject)

May 30, 2005 11:50

Happy Memorial Day!

Have you every played the game with the dots where you have a grid of dots and you can draw a line between two, then the next person goes, and you have to complete the square (no pun intended for those of you who remember any math) ?

Have you ever wondered how you really pronounce "Sherbet" ? I never understood that...and I have given up trying.

CaN I tYpE LiKe thIs ANd StiLL HaVE pEOPLe uNDERsTAnD mE? What is the point in doing that? ^ Also, whats the point in typing in 1337? Its just strange if you ask me, though when you are really bored its fun to type a lot in 1337 and see if it makes sense lol. or should I say 101?

Okay guys, would anyone mind if I went for my record of the most posts in a day? I think that would be interesting, however I probably would run out of things to say eventually so they will be boring posts....
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