The safe city of Tucson

Sep 22, 2007 02:18

Some notes about Tucson: I know I mentioned how someone tried to break into my car the first night I was here. I got off light actually because there have been 2-3 car windows broken (in our parking lot) since then. Last night there were cops here... I heard a girl talking to them upset, but I don't know what the exact issue was. Tonight, I saw cop cars a few streets down when I was walking home, then some of our neighbors across the street were being really loud and scary sounding tonight. Did I mention that about 2 weeks ago a UA student was stabbed by another UA student? Scary stuff. I have to believe that this increase in crime has something to do with the way the economy is. I was complaining about the difficulty I've had in obtaining a job to a friend and he said, that after talking with an economics major, that the problem is as such: there was a huge housing boom here for the past 2-3 years. However, it has slowed off to a crippling point so there is no longer a job boom and perhaps the city has more citizens than it can currently sustain at least economically speaking. Therefore, it makes sense to me that people who normally wouldn't would be turning to crime, now are. Frightening.

This week has been a series of disappointments for me. I had a reed-crippling lesson (none I thought would be good worked for me), I didn't practice as much as normal, I didn't work out, I ate worse than usual, and I didn't get as much school work done as I would have liked. I had a ridiculous quiz today in Medieval Music. We had a listening quiz on 36 examples... all but a few were monophonic chants... the quiz consisted of 1 question. I guessed incorrectly despite hours of studying (including the creation of a note card we were allowed to take with us to the quiz). It was very frustrating (can I say here that I f*&king hate chant now?!). This weekend, combined with next week, is lined up to be stressful: Saturday- Orchestra concert, Sunday- Tucson Chamber Orchestra audition and possibly quintet rehearsal, Monday- Medieval Music Exam (including over 50 listening examples) and quintet rehearsal, Tuesday- Recording 5 mvmts. of work for quintet and a lesson, Thursday- Mahler 3 theory assignment due, Friday- Research paper due for Medieval Music with annotated bibliography. ACK. That's not including all the regular stuff and other rehearsals, practicing, etc. I need to do. *grumbles* The good news is that if I make it through this week... Friday night is Devin's birthday... we're going to go bowling and have a good time! I can't wait!

I know I have more to discuss, but I am tired and need to get up early to practice tomorrow. Hope everyone has a splendid weekend. =)
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