Nov 06, 2006 18:16
1) Black outs
Why is it just my luck that as soon as I finally decide to sit down and do some serious work Lightening decides it feels like strickin two transformers on campus and turning out most of campus? That was gay. Then it just added to my frustration that people do not seem capable of functioning in the darkness. Sensible people would sit calmly with a flashlight or move downstairs without freaking out ... well apparently 'sensible people' don't live on the second floor of Clark hall. Only about 3 of us in my wing had flashlights and took the others downstairs. After sittin downstairs with all the people that are stupid in the dark I got fed up and decided that since ResNet was still working and my laptop had a full charge to go back up stairs and finish up some work. Well I leave my door open with my flashlight on and my laptop on and then one of my neighbors sees the light and asks if I mind her studying in my room with my flashlight. Well nice as I am I say sure and so she joins me. We then decide to bust into my limited chocolate stash and then another Clarkie finds his way to my room. Well I sit to try to finish readin some stuff on the internet when suddenly ResNet decides to shit out on all of us. I was so severly pissed. Even once the power came back on ResNet didn't work in my room till after noon today. That all sucked. But someone else found his way to my room last night while the power was out and we chilled out till about 11:30. It was awesome.
2) Being sick
So Saturday I was not feelin too great and I assumed it was from sittin in the T.V. room in the dark watching Star Wars for most of 15 hours. Well it turns out it was because I came down with that damn cold that everyone else has had. It sucks. Yesterday my nose was all leaky and then this morning I woke up feelin horrible. I'm groggy and I've been workin out pretty hardcore so my body hurts. I ran out of Kleenex early this afternoon and THANK GOD for Billy. He called me randomly and asked if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart and I was like 'Hellz to the yes foo'!'. So we went to Wal-Mart and I spent $13 on Kleenex, milk, and weightlifting gloves. I hate being sick though. I don't get sick very often and when I do luckily it doesn't last long. I've been takin DayQuil for about 24 hours and I hope it helps me out. I don't think I can feel much worse than I did this morning so hopefully I've seen the worst of it.
3) My ability to bruise when people breathe on me
It sucks and I'm glad that everyone finds it so comical. I do not. It hurts and it's just plain annoying to not be able to move without gettin a new one. Like everyone might just think 'oh it's another bruise' but me I think 'oh great, another reason to think I might have leukemia or some other kind of blood disorder'. I dunno, it's something I dealt with all of high school and now I'm tired of it.
4) That Thanksgiving is still pretty far away
I am so ready to go home and spend a little time away from here. I have a lot of fun and maybe it's just because I've gotten sick but I really really just want to be home and relax. I want to sleep in my bed and not worry about my roommate walkin in at weird hours or suitemates needing something or even them comin and goin at weird hours, or the random girls in the hall being annoyingly loud at ungodly hours. I just miss home and my friends.
Things that don't really suck:
1) Me ending this forever and a day long post
Enough said.