
Jun 16, 2004 15:20

I recently retruned from a band trip to Montreal and it was sooo awesome. I got back and everything was all howdy doody and I was starting to think about my birthday party, you know when I was gonna have it and what we were gonna do etc. etc. Well I invited alot of people, probably about 15 or 16 and my mom said only invite the people who are really your friends and that you hang out with alot. And so I invited all these people but I didn't invite someone else I know because she seems to be only my friend when she feels like it and she doesn't invite me to do anything anymore. So I said to myself shes not a good enough friend to invite if she doesn't want to be my friend. And know shes all mad at me because I didn't invite her to my party and she says that I'm the one who is only being friends with her when I feel like it. Anyway its a big huge long story that involves way more for you to understand but I'm not gonna take you though that. But anyway.....

On the bright side we got to ride in a limo for two hours and we had a blast....and the party was great, all my friends had a blast (or so they said) and I can't wait till next year cause I have cool classes and they aren't at the base!!!! YYYAAAA!!!!! I have tog et some of them 'tweaked' per say tomorrow though. And I did my socials exam today.....easier than I would have thought. I lvoe it, except I have a science PROVINCIAL that I have a feeling won't be so easy tomorrow. But anyway....

talk to ya laters....

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