Fifteen years ago (1990), I:
1. Was two years old.
2. Lived in San Francisco.
3. Moved to San Diego.
4. Spoke Spanish as fluently as I did English
5. My parents got a divorce.
10 Years Ago (1995), I:
1. Moved up to Bridge Village
2. Went to Washington Elementary
3. Turned seven
4. Got a new bike for Easter
5. Was a Nickelodeon addict.
5 Years Ago (2000), I:
1. Was in 6th and 7th.
2. Moved out to Kincheloe.
3. Transfered out to Rudyard Middle School
4. Found out Greg had cancer.
5. Met Samantha.
6. was having a shit time at school because I was always teased and got the everloving crap beat out of me.
4 Years Ago (2001), I:
1. Was in 7th and 8th grade.
2. Got an "A" on every science test that year.
3. Almost drowned in swimming class.
4. Got a solo for the Christmas choir concert.
5. Finally decided that I needed to get out of the Rudyard school district.
3 Years Ago (2002), I:
1. Started high school.
2. Made new friends.
3. Started playing team soccer again for the first time in three years.
4. Was moved up to the honors track by my English teacher, who insisted that normal coursework wasn't challenging me enough.
5. Got a job in the dental clinic my mom worked at sterlizing instruments and procedure rooms.
2 Years Ago (2003), I:
1. Started dating Greg.
2. Attended my first high school graduation.
3. Became really depressed when I started sophomore year.
4. Started having consistent ear infecitons.
5. Met Jane at Blue Lake.
1 Year Ago (2004), I:
1. Was hit with the realization that high school was already half over.
2. Took driver's ed and almost didn't get my Segment 1 certificate.
3. Started thinking that everybody in the world mumbled, and then realized it wasn't everybody else, it was me, and that I had a hearing problem.
4. Became friends with Jimmie.
5. Turned sixteen.
This Year (2005), I:
1. Got a job at the movie theater.
2. Attended my first funeral.
3. Went to New York City.
4. Performed in Carnegie Hall.
5. Realized that I have the best friends in the world.
Yesterday, I:
1. Went to Canada with Jimmie.
2. Felt like a zoo exhibit as I was eating lunch in Taco Bell.
3. Got my first perfect drawer at work.
4. Realized the true horror of the Rose Etudes.
5. Made ten bags of cotton candy.
Today, I:
1. Got up early.
2. Drove like a ninja to my orthodonitc appointment.
3. Was a bit miffed because the waking up early and going to the orthodonist turned out to be for nothing.
4. Listened to The Postal Service's "Give Up" CD three times in a row.
5. Got rained on.
5 TV Shows I Like:
1. CSI
2. Family Guy
3. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
4. Robot Chicken
5. Comedy Central Presents
Places I've Lived:
1. San Diego
2. San Francisco
3. For a very brief period (1 month), Hawaii. I don't even know if you could count that. I was just staying with my dad for part of the summer when I was in fourth grade.
4. Sault Sainte Marie
5. Kincheloe