Memes 'n such, taken from the WHOLE WORLD!!!

May 01, 2004 21:53


ETA: Whoa, bright color. : /

* * *

1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

Eurgh. That thought nearly makes me feel worse than being sick.

* * *

A- Age: 16
B - Band listening to right now: Hmmm. In my head I'm hearing Nine Days.
C - Career in future: ???
D - Dad's name: Rich
E - Easiest person to talk to: Sara or Becky or Cynthia
F - Favorite song at the moment: "Higher" by Creed
G - Grinagog (smiles a lot) or Grum (morose, surly)? Somewhere in between the two of those.
H - How many major scars do you have? None.
I - Instruments you play: Clarinet
J - Jesus or Buddha? Jesus
K - Kids: Eh. We shall see.
L - Longest time you've stayed awake: about 22 hours
M - Marriage muthafucka! Do you speak it?!: Huh?!
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - Oneiros (god of dreams) or Orpheus (god of angsty music): Oneiros
P - Phobias: Failure, rejection, insects
Q - Quote you like: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller
R - Raison d'etre: ESPANOL, POR FAVOR.
S - Song you last sang, whistled, hummed: Scheherezade (sp?) by Rimsky-Korsakov
T - Trucker or poet? Poet
U - Unusual trait: I have a skin tag thing on my right ear, which is slightly larger than my left ear. I AM LOPSIDED!!
V - Vaccilatory (indecisive) or decisive?: Vaccilatory, for sure. Wait. Does that statement make me decisive?
W - Which fictional character do you feel most like? Bridget Jones. Except not in my thirties, and I don't smoke/drink/have a Mark Darcy boyfriend.
X - Xenophobic (fear of strangers) or Xenophile (love of strangers): Xenophobic.
Y - Yakuza or Mafia?: Mafia, I think.
Z - Zodiac sign: Saggitarius


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