Jul 16, 2005 22:02


I had a really good reflection on HBP going, and then it vanished. Like magic!

So, here we go again.

Maybe it's because I am currently suffering from a throat infection that looks like a huge wad of feta cheese got stuck back there, but I had a hard time being quite as enthusiastic about this book as GoF and OotP. Then again, I haven't been very enthusiastic about anything in the past couple of days.

It could be that during the huge amount of time spent waiting for this book meant my interest waned; obviously, I've got other things occupying my mind of late (see: college, being sick, etc.). Another possible reason for my lack of "Oh wow, I can't believe this happened!" would be that I have been desensitized to deaths in Harry Potter's world. Also, there wasn't any momentous change happening - I mean, the wizarding world is at war in this book, whereas they were transitioning from HarryPotterStoppedYou-Know-Who! to OhMyGoshHe'sBack! in GoF and OotP.

That isn't to say that I didn't shed a few tears, but surprisingly, none came when the actual death happened. The first or second chapter kind of gave away what was going to happen in my mind, what with the Unbreakable Vow thing. It was only when Fawkes's lament ended and Harry realized that the phoenix had gone forever that I cried; it struck me as amazing that Rowling used music in such a powerful way.

I am shocked, however, that the 7th book won't be following Harry through another year at school - just another year alive. That new perspective is something I'm looking forward to in the last book.

It's done, I'm tired, and there are probably two more years to wait until book 7 comes out. Pride and Prejudice, anyone?

You know what really bugged me? The whole Ron/Lavender thing! Pshaw, superficial kids. Like v_exemplary said, romance doesn't seem to fit too well in those books. And the whole thing with Harry telling Ginny he couldn't see her anymore reminded me very strongly of Spiderman. Oy.

ETA: I am feeling quite cut off from my friends. Illness and the trip to Ohio obviously being the principle (principal?) reasons. Sigh. How did I manage to live with such little contact to other people freshman year?

ETA2: Upon rereading and reflection, I have come to the conclusion that this entry is overly critical, and can be blamed mostly on my icky mood. Icky mood caused by lack of contact with friends, sore throat, and lack of exercise in the past week. More rational thoughts on the book to come.


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