(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 15:21

Usually I am one who watches the same movies, reads the same books, etc. over and over again. Recently, however I've taken in lots of new entertainment. Film-wise, it's been The Motorcycle Diaries and The Count of Monte Cristo. And today I read all of The China Garden, after having owned that book for at least 8 years and never read it.

The Motorcycle Diaries - We watched this in Spanish class, and I really liked it - it was interesting, the images of South American landscape were breathtaking, and the story of Guevara was fascinating. The idea of taking such a long road trip also intrigued me - maybe someday I'll do something like that (?). One can only hope . . .

The Count of Monte Cristo - Watched this with John last night. It was good - lots of swordfighting, etc. - but it reminded me really strongly of the Zorro movie with Antonio Banderas, which we've seen in Spanish class about 3 times (although The Count of Monte Cristo existed before Zorro . . . So I guess the Zorro movie was a bit of a ripoff). But, overall it was good. Richard Harris was a cool old tunnel-digging priest, but he died. The main character, while understandably pissed off, kinda got carried away with his revenge, as he killed everyone who screwed him over and sent him to jail in the first place.

The China Garden - This was a pretty good book. It was interesting enough to keep me reading because of some of the mystery, but it was also really predictable - the ending was one of those "happily ever after" type things. Which are good sometimes, but they do get a little old after a while.

It was an interesting mix of reality and fantasy (magic realism? Oh crap . . . There's that Gabriel Garcia Marquez story we have to read for Spanish . . .), as well as romance and mystery. At some points, though, the romance seemed to get to be a little much and I felt like I was reading one of those trashy romance novels. ::shrug:: But, overall, it was a good light, entertaining read.

Today went by realllly slooooooooowly. Hopefully tonight Las Chicas De Oro will get together! I've been looking forward to this for a few days now.

books, movies

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