Chapter 2, 'Nothing Else To Lose (But You)'

Mar 11, 2010 23:44

Title: There`s Nothing Else To Lose (But You)
Author: ClariesR4ever
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Rating: Teen, Mature
POV: Will`s 'Master' (For Now-Unknown Pov.)
Summary: Cobra Starship was raising in fame, getting brighter and even more famous each day. They feel the famous 'high' of the success; the wild parties, the screaming obsessed fans, the free alcohol. But it all comes crashing down for Gabe when one late July he crosses paths with the tall, neglected, when noticed abused mentally and physically intern, William Beckett.
Warnings: mentions of abused, neglected, singing, lovesick boys! Oh and Fuel For Ramon bands
Disclaimer: I pressed my fingers to the pictures shown in the article.....
The anguish of Mrs. Beckett, crying over her doorstep.
The stern and anger look of Mr. Beckett outside his courtroom.
The crying, red-faced Courtney Beckett in the arms of her friend.
Then, the picture in the middle of all the pictures....The circled photo.
The school photo of 15 year old William E. Beckett.

Past Chapters:
Chapter 1~

Song Of the Chapter~ 'Smooth Criminal' by MJ

I stepped through the twirling doors of the old library. I instantly smelt the pages of books, and the coffee that both the old shared with pals and the last-minute college students drank while furiously typing essays and papers. I smiled at that thought, remembering the day I decided college was history, I was going to be a musician!

"Good Morning Detective!" came a high pitched voice.

Turning, I smiled as I approached the college girl working the front/help desk. What was her name...Rhonda?
It was a city name...
Syndney Jeffers, 19. Starting college this fall.

"Good Morning to you Miss Jeffers." I returned politely, trying my best not to snap at her. All I want to do is see my articles.
Articles, Articles.....

"Have another clue to research?"

"Yes, we received a tip concerning a 'puzzle' in the articles...."

"Ah!," she interrupted, "They`re right where you left them!"

I stared at her in fury. Red circles entered my line of sight, getting closer and closer during each passing second. Was this girl a idiot? What if someone saw the notes? What if someone put two and two-

"I mean, you come here everyday, so I don`t even bother putting them away."

I had to swallow my anger. I had to.

"Well that`s alright. Did anybody touch them? Read them?" I asked in all the positive-energy I could muster.
She snapped her pink bubblegum, looking bored at this conversation. Glances at her laptop, eager to dive in.


"Alrighty then I`ll-"

"Have a great day, Detective." she yet again, interrupted. Twisting, she was soon connected to her precious laptop. That stupid, over-gemmed laptop.

"See ya later." I finished under my breath. Anger in check. Checkmark.

I walked through the dusty bookshelves, eager like it was a maze.
Students bent over books and laptops, Students with headphones and books.
I walked to my table, covered with the six article books. The article books covered with the old leather, pages worn and turning brown with each day.
I was in heaven.
I sat down in the cozy chair, running my fingertips over the covers.
My eyes drifted, going to the top of the tiny table where I sat. The carved message that lay on the top. It always made me smile.

W.B. was here '05.
The year before disaster was to strike.
I grinned as I grabbed the top book, circling the diameter with my calloused fingers slowly before opening it to the middle of the bookmarked local Barrington Local News Article book.

February 1st, 2006.


I smirked, and turned a few more pages till I saw February 11th.

February 11th, 2006.

The Still-Missing Teen of The Mayor

I pressed my fingers to the pictures shown in the article.
The anguish of Mrs. Beckett, crying over her doorstep.
The stern and anger look of Mr. Beckett.
The crying, red-faced Courtney Beckett.
Then, the picture in the middle of all the pictures....The circled photo.
The school photo of 15 year old William E. Beckett.

Two pages later, the next article belonged, always in its selected place.
Terrible things were coming.

March 2nd, 2006.

Anguish over son is too much for Mayor

Annie Are You OK?

April 13th, 2006.

New Elected to be determined

Will You Tell Us That You're OK?

April 33rd, 2006.

Or so the report declares!

There's A Sign In The Window

Oh Mrs. Beckett. Dying of a broken heart over the her missing son!

That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie

Still in complete giddiness over the news, I turned to the last article of the book.

He Came Into Your Apartment

December 23th, 2006.

Son declared as 'Dead', Funeral to be be in January

He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet

Oh the precious news! I skimmed the article again, coming to a close at the pictures of Will, I mean, William.

You Were Struck Down

One year old Willy, next to the Christmas tree, a shiny present with a big bow in his fingers.
Four year old Will holding his precious baby sister three days after her birth.
Six year Will on his bike, hair swarmed around his head as he pedaled, a smile on his face.
Ten year Will,in his new baseball uniform.

Annie Are You OK?

12 year old Beckett with his arm slung around the shoulders of his best friend, Sisky.

So, Annie Are You OK?

I had to hurry soon. It was time for band practice, and if I was late again B.D. would kill me.

I gathered up the other leather books, a tiny stack in my hand, ready to be taken.

I couldn`t resist the temptation. 
I couldn`t.

You've Been Hit By

Flipping the page over, I glanced at the picture.
It was known as the last picture ever taken...

A sign of his beauty.
Good looks to come and fret over.

All mine......

Satisfated with my day, I closed the book, again running my fingers across the edges. I just couldn`t keep my fingers off. I had to touch....

I could touch the real thing.

Shifting the books to my left hand, I grabbed my I-Pod out of my pocket.
The screen burst with light, showing the last song played.
I grinned even more.
It was perfect.


You've Been Struck By

A Smooth Criminal

author: clariesr4ever, chaptered: nothing else for me to lose

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